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Mammillaria boedekeriana

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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 70
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Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Gio 04 Dic 2014, 20:35   Oggetto: Mammillaria boedekeriana
maurillio Gio 04 Dic 2014, 20:35
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Ho notizie di questa pianta dal forum della U.K. Mammillaria Society.

First Description: Monatschr. Kakteenkunde 20: 108. 1910
Body: Solitary, globose to short cylindric, 6 cm high and 4 cm in diameter, with rounded apex.
Roots: Tuberous.
Sap: With watery sap.
Tubercle: Cylindrical, soft, very finely pitted, 10 mm long and 5 mm thick, dark green. Areoles are round, with some white wool at first, later becoming naked.
Axils: Naked.
Radial spines: 20 or more, 10 mm long, uppermost longer and thinner,all acicular,pubescent, glassy white, ascending in youth, later becoming horizontal.
Central spines: 3, 8-13mm long, the middle one the longest and hooked (13mm),bright brown and black at tip; the uppermost and the lowest straight (8mm), acicular, smooth, brown, sometimes coppery brown.
Flowers: Funnelform, 25-30mm long, whitish with reddish brown midveins.
Fruit: Club shaped, red.
Seed: Black.
Geographic Distribution: According to Craig: near La Maria, San Luis Potosi; according to Bödeker in Guanajuato

  Mammillaria boedekeriana
Collezione "Cactoo"
Mammillaria boedekeriana   Mammillaria boedekeriana
Collezione "Cactoo"
Mammillaria boedekeriana

L'ultima modifica di maurillio il Sab 20 Gen 2024, 18:48, modificato 4 volte
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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 70
Messaggi: 6746
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Lun 26 Gen 2015, 19:54   Oggetto:
maurillio Lun 26 Gen 2015, 19:54
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Copia/incolla da Britton&Rose in attesa di fotografie che prima o poi arriveranno....

130. Neomammillaria boedekeriana (Quehl).
Mammillaria boedekeriana Quehl, Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 20:108. 1910.
Globose to ovoid, but in collections becoming cylindric, dull green; tubercles cylindric; radial spines about 20, white;
central spines 3, brownish black, one hooked; axils naked;
flowers white with brownish stripes.
Type locality: Not cited.
Distribution: Doubtless Mexico, but range unknown.
This plant, which was for a long time in cultivation in Europe, has, according to Mr. Bödeker, entirely disappeared.
He writes that it is a prolific bloomer and that once he had a plant with 32 flowers open at the same time.
The species is named for Friederich Bödeker of Cologne, Germany. Quehl groups this species next to Mammillaria wrightii.

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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 70
Messaggi: 6746
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Dom 28 Gen 2018, 12:56   Oggetto:
maurillio Dom 28 Gen 2018, 12:56
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  Mammillaria boedekeriana
Mammillaria boedekeriana   Mammillaria boedekeriana
Mammillaria boedekeriana   Mammillaria boedekeriana
Mammillaria boedekeriana

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