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Mammillaria bachmannii

   Indice forum -> Le schede di Maurillio
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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 69
Messaggi: 6600
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Ven 21 Nov 2014, 15:11   Oggetto: Mammillaria bachmannii
maurillio Ven 21 Nov 2014, 15:11
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La prima traccia che trovo di Mammillaria bachmannii è in un articolo di John Pilbeam:
Da "REVIEWING THE REVIEW" by John Pilbeam:
M. bachmannii Bod. Certainly all the plants I have seen under this name do not resemble the plant photograph or the description in Craig. The latter plant in my collection is flat, globular, solitary (for six years anyway), with about 16 thin, weak dirty-white radials about 4mm. long, 2 porrect centrals, pink with grey tips in youth, grey later, stouter, the lower about 7mm. long the upper 5mm. , flowers deep carmine, fruit carmine hardly protruding beyond the
tubercles, seed brown with end hilum.

M.bachmannii Hort. (non Boedeker) .
Mr Pilbearn ( l . c . ) asks what name 'the fairly constant masquerader under this name should bear. I have only seen rather small plants under this name and suspect they may all derive from one source Mr; Maddam, and I agree that they are referable to series Leucocephalae and perhaps to the neighbourhood of M.woodsii, though dark spined

Infine "THE DERIVATION OF MAMMILLARIA SPECIES NAMES" (Part 2) by J. A, Huijssoon, W.F. Maddams and B. Maddams.
bachmannii Presumably named for a Herr Bachmann, details of whom we have not been able to trace. In as much as this species seems to have been described from cultivated plants the name may first have appeared in a nurseryman's list.

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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 69
Messaggi: 6600
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Ven 21 Nov 2014, 15:15   Oggetto:
maurillio Ven 21 Nov 2014, 15:15
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Semi provenienti dalla Repubblica Ceca sono arrivati nelle abili mani di "Ento" Ennio Toso che ne ha ricavato le seguenti piante....

  Mammillaria bachmannii
Mammillaria bachmannii   Mammillaria bachmannii
Mammillaria bachmannii   Mammillaria bachmannii
Mammillaria bachmannii

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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 69
Messaggi: 6600
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Lun 08 Feb 2021, 19:40   Oggetto:
maurillio Lun 08 Feb 2021, 19:40
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Sul sito ADBLPS - galerie photos ho trovato questa bachmannii credo, e non ne sono certo, da semi propri……
ai posters….


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