Sicuramente una specie d'altura (1.700/2.300m) fra gli obbiettivi della più ampia conflittualità a livello di attribuzione.
Intanto la descrizione originale della specie....
M. wagnerana Boed. in Monatsschr. deutsch. Kakt. Ges. 4 : 199. 1932, with illustrations ('wagneriana'; spelling corrected in accordance with ICBN Art. 73).
Simple, depressed-globose, the type 6 cm. high and 10 cm. in diameter;
tubercles about 7 mm. long, quadrangular, shortly pyramidal, axils densely white woolly, but without bristles. Central spines 2-4, variable, either straight and 2 cm. long or tortuous and 4-5 cm. long, reddish-horn coloured;
radial spines 9-10, unequal, the upper 2-3 about 5-7 mm. long, the lateral twice and the lower three times as long, all whitish horn-coloured, tipped brown. Flower 1.5 cm. in diameter, the inner segments dirty white with pale pink midvein and apex; stigmas 5-6 pale yellowish green. Fruit clavate, red; seeds brown, pyriform, 'finely punctate'.
MEXICO: Zacatecas, near San Miguel del Mezquital, J. Moeller. Boedeker received material of the short-spined form from H. Wagner of Ludwigsburg and the long-spined form from Herr Ross of Krozingen. No type material appears to have been preserved.
Craig treated M. wagnerana as a synonym of M. obscura Hildmann, but I believe the latter to be referable to M. gigantea Hildm. The longerspined form Craig called M. obscura 'var. wagneriana tortulospina comb. nov.' which must take some beating as a nomenclatural abortion!
The Mammillarias of series Macrothelae in NW. Zacatecas and E. Durango are not yet well understood. The area seems to be a kind of transition zone between the M. gummifera and M. malanocentra groups from further north and east, the M. standleyi group to the west and the M. gigantea group to the south. M. wagnerana seems akin to M. zeyerana, but whether or not both are allied to M. melanocentra I am not sure. I have seen what I take to be M. gummifera around Durango, but nothing like M. wagnerana. Like the
Macrothelae of Sonora, this group needs intensive field—work....
Presento ora individui dall'origine non certificata, ma con caratteri ben definiti.....
Mammillaria wagneriana  
Mammillaria wagneriana  
Mammillaria wagneriana  
Mammillaria wagneriana Jerez de Gracia Salinas - Zacatecas - Messico  
Dal web questa Mammillaria wagneriana JLH ( John Henshaw ) 950743 from ; Road to San Juan Capistrano, near Puente Tepitatia.
L'ultima modifica di maurillio il Mar 28 Apr 2015, 7:03, modificato 8 volte
Il dettaglio del f.n. recita:
Field number: LAU 1118
Collector: Alfred Bernhard Lau
Species: Mammillaria sp.
Locality: Huejuquilla-San Juan Capistrano, Jalisco, Mexico
Altitude: 1000-1700m
Date: 21/4/1977
Notes: together with L1119, Coryphantha sp., Echinofossulocactus sp., Ritterocereus montanus
Hunt la riferisce a Mammillaria gigantea.
Mammillaria gigantea ha normalmente fiori giallo-verdastri, mentre la nostra ha fiori rosa.
Secondo la posizione condivisa qui, LAU 1118 è Mammillaria wagneriana.
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1118 Huejuquilla-San Juan Capistrano, Jalisco, Mexico  
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1118 Huejuquilla-San Juan Capistrano, Jalisco, Mexico  
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1118 Huejuquilla-San Juan Capistrano, Jalisco, Mexico
L'ultima modifica di maurillio il Mar 28 Apr 2015, 6:44, modificato 1 volta
Field number: LAU 1073
Collector: Alfred Bernhard Lau
Species: Mammillaria tesopacensis v. papasquiarensis
Locality: Penon Blanco, South of Nazas, Durango, Mexico
Altitude: 1800m
Date: 3/2/1976
Distribuita dalla U.K. Mammillaria Society come Mammillaria wagneriana fin dal 1980...
Di seguito alcuni articoli dal "Journal!" che la riguardano....
by R.C. Stanley
In the above article, (Mamm. Soc. J. Aug, 1984), Peter mentions Lau 1073 - M.tesopacensis v. papasquiarensis which has a rather confusing history". J.Pilbeam listed it in his Lau field number articles as M.'zeyeriana and I grew plants from Kohres seed as M.wagneriana back in 1978. Nurseries in more recent times have offered the plant as M.tesopacensis v, papasquiarensis.
Dr. Lau cleared up the true identity of this species in a letter to me:
I quote, "Lau 1073 is M.tesopacensis v. Papasquiarensis, published by Dr. Helia Bravo. However, the plant has nothing to do with M.tesopacensis but rather with M.zeyeriana. The idea of M.zeyeriana came from Dr. Schreier and M.wagneriana from Mr. Reppenhagen. Then Charles Glass reminded me of the article that Dr.Bravo had written with a publication that fits Lau 1073".
I also enjoy growing the so called Sp. Nova and have "discovered" many interesting highly attractive forms of well known species. It gives added variety to the collection and is such a delight to see see grown plants, completely "unknown" plants, grow large Enough to enable one to play the game of identifying them.
M. sp. LAU 1073 is associated with M.zeyeriana in Pilbeam's book. However, plants raised from seed (de Herdt 1980) have seven radials and one central.
These are undoubtedly M.wagneriana, as de Herdt stated. Another plant of M.sp. LAU 1073 (Jumanery 1982) has eight radials and one central, and also matches M.wagneriana. Yet another plant, obtained as M.tesopacensis v. papasquiarensis (Southfield Nurseries 1984) has 9 to 11 radials and one almost black central spine, and is a robust grower. So far as I can recall, its flowers are red, so
could i t be M.tesopacensis v. rubraflora? Neither this plant, nor a specimen of M.tesopacensis (de Herdt 1980) have spines as colourful as the reddish tinged ones of the several forms of M.sonorensis in my collection. It will be remembered
that Hunt allies M.tesopacensis to M.sonorensis, a decision I am none too happy about.
This identification problem becomes even more complex when I compare the above plants with de Herdt seedlings of M.wagneriana and M.wagneriana v. tortulaspina.
The f i r s t of these latter plants has a greater similarity to M.zeyeriana tnan to any of the above. Even so, with its two centrals and eight radials, I am quite happy with its naming. However, the second is close to the de Herdt M. sp. LAU 1073 plants, the only significant difference being that its body is a paler green.
Lau 1073 I wish I could speak with as much confidence about M. wagneriana etc. as Mr Woolcock, especially when the description of M. wagneriana called for 2-4 centrals and 9-10 radials and Mr
Woolcock's plant can only muster 1 central and 7 radials! Of course, M. zeyeriana should also have 4 centrals and 10 radials, which is one reason for suspecting it and M. wagneriana are conspecific.
Unfortunately, the flowers etc. of M. zeyeriana were not described, since it is probably the oldest name for the species. M. tesopacensis is a red herring, of course, but perhaps Mr Woolcock could tell
us why he doesn't think it is related to M. sonorensis? I claim no expertise with the Sonoran Macrothelae
LAU 1073
L'ultima modifica di maurillio il Gio 26 Nov 2015, 20:30, modificato 2 volte
Bill Maddams nel vol.43 (2003) a pag.9 del "Journal" riporta:
Mammillaria wagneriana è stata descritta da Boedeker nel 1932, tuttavia è stata resa disponibile commercialmente soltanto in anni recenti.
Nella lista dei f.n. do Alfred Lau il numero 1529 non è citato dalla German Mammillaria Society.
Ralph Martin riporta:
Field number: LAU 1529
Collector: Alfred Bernhard Lau
Species: Mammillaria obscura?
Locality: San Juan Capistrano, Zacatecas, Mexico
Altitude: 1000-1300m
Date: 2/4/1983
Notes: together with Echinocereus pamanesiorum, Coryphantha tripugionacantha
Nella distribuzione semi della U.K. Mammillaria society LAU 1529 è Mammillaria wagneriana
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1529  
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1529  
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1529  
Mammillaria wagneriana LAU 1529
Tre fotografie di Mammillaria wagneriana ritratte a El Sauz da Chris Davies...
Mammillaria wagneriana Fotografia di Chris Davies  
Mammillaria wagneriana Fotografia di Chris Davies  
Mammillaria wagneriana Fotografia di Chris Davies
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