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Mammillaria weingartiana

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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 69
Messaggi: 6600
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Lun 29 Lug 2013, 19:34   Oggetto: Mammillaria weingartiana
maurillio Lun 29 Lug 2013, 19:34
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No. 20. Mammillaria weingartiana Boedeker.
Mammillaria weingartiana Boedeker, Monats.Deutsch.Kakt.Ges.4:219:1932.
Body:- Simple and caespitose from the base, globose, sunken at the apex, 4-5 cm. wide. Tubercles loosely arranged in 13 and 21 spirals, dark leaf-green, faintly glossy, slender conical, sunken at the tip, 8 mm. long and 3 mm. wide at the base, with watery sap.
Areoles round, 2 mm. wide, becoming smaller with age, with some
white wool, but soon becoming naked. Axils naked.
Spines:- Centrals 1-4, to 12 mm. long, stout acicular, one or two hooked, all smooth, red, becoming brownish-black, the hooked ones porrect, the others ascending. Radials 20-25, 6-8 mm. long, uniform, very slender, straight, pure white, horizontal.
Flowers:- Funnelform, 10 mm. long and 12 mm. wide. Outer perianth-segments pale green, pale olive-brown ventral stripe, pale pink tips, lanceolate, tip acuminate, margins serrate, 10 by 1.5 mm. Inner perianth-segments, pale greenish-yellow, pale brownish-rose mid stripe, darker tip, green base, lanceolate, margins ciliate in
the middle. Filaments green below, rose above. Anthers bright
yellow. Style green. Stigma lobes, 3-5) white to pale rose, overtopping the anthers.
Fruit:- Red, clavate, small.
Seeds:- Black, faintly glossy, pyriform with a lateral whitish hilum,
1 mm. in length.
Distribution:- Neuvo Leon, Mexico.
Type Locality:-Near Ascension.
Notes:- This pleasing species is, unfortunately, not common in
collections. It is of rather distinctive appearance, having some
resemblance, at first sight, to M.zacatecasensis. However, it is
easily distinguished from this latter by its pure white radial spines. It appears to present no cultural difficulties and appears to grow from seed readily. It belongs to the group of early flowering Mammillarias, the blooms usually appearing during the latter part of March.

  Mammillaria weingartiana
Semi Mesa Garden - MG 942

Foto e pianta di "Ento" Ennio Toso - Savona
Mammillaria weingartiana   Mammillaria weingartiana
Semi Mesa Garden - MG 942

Foto e pianta di "Ento" Ennio Toso - Savona
Mammillaria weingartiana   Mammillaria weingartiana
Mammillaria weingartiana

L'ultima modifica di maurillio il Mar 30 Lug 2013, 21:01, modificato 1 volta
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Registrato: 21/01/10 09:17
Età: 69
Messaggi: 6600
Residenza: Modena

Inviato: Dom 17 Gen 2016, 12:22   Oggetto:
maurillio Dom 17 Gen 2016, 12:22
Rispondi citando


  Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda
    Mammillaria weingartiana WTH 209
WTH 209 - In meadows west of the main road, near San Juanito de Solis - Nuevo Leon - Mexico

Fotografia in habitat di Wolter ten Hoeve - Assen - Olanda

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